My learning style | Life
(I'm setting the scene here with the text below!! This post is to help you figure out your specific learning style...
If you are a school leaver or like me just getting on in life take this test.. It will help you figure out what it is you are good at and what may suit you :))
Have you ever listened to a song and immediately you memorise a song as soon as you hear it!
You could be taught a computer program and master it in minutes...
You could be taught a computer program and master it in minutes...
When I was in school we weren't thought about learning styles the way you are now............
I am the second child of four. I walked at 10 months, I was talking just after.
I thought myself to read at age 2 using my sister's school books.
I thought myself to read at age 2 using my sister's school books.
One of my earlier memories was of my Dad taking Amanda's school book off me so she could go to school and I cried because I was really into the story... (I know ha geeekkkkkk)....
When I started primary school I was two years ahead of the class. I read everything from the back of the toilet rolls (haha you did it too :P) to newspapers.
My ma and da were told to stop letting me read the news as I was repeating things back in class.
(----- I will always thank my parents for being so open with me even when the school treated them badly.. It allowed me to grow as a person ---)
Not only did they make a show of my parents but the teachers actively put me down in class.
It encouraged bullying, (which followed me throughout school!).
So I realised throughout secondary school that I could learn and master something by seeing, doing and practice.
I knew I was intelligent but my leaving cert only reflected same on practical subjects that involved projects like Biology and Home etc.
(I always wanted to teach.. I didn't get the points in leaving to teach, left long term job in retail at 21... At 25 I am in training... 27 I am in college)
(I always wanted to teach.. I didn't get the points in leaving to teach, left long term job in retail at 21... At 25 I am in training... 27 I am in college)
It wasn't until I started my training to "teach" in current job that I learned about different personality / learning types and realised that I am intelligent but my learning style does not suit the Irish academic system AT ALL!!!
I thought I was different.... I'm not... I am a Kinaesthetic learner...Eg: I am the type of person who has a go before reading instructions... I am a talented make up artist... I can cook something from memory.... I am a talented web designer....
I am also very detailed and cannot make a decision until I consider all factors...
There is a place for EVERYTHING in my home and my car... I freak out if things are not in place.
and that's only the start of it...
If you are in school I would highly encourage these tests that will help with your learning.
If like me you left school within last 10 years this may help you understand the way you are....
Love Louise xx
VARK questionairre
personality types...
(I am ENFJ - Barack Obama is my celeb equivilent)