Loki the puppy has grown up!

I can't believe the last time how quickly time has gone by!

Before I took my break I introduced you to our new puppy Loki.
God love him he has two homes right now due to the fact Stephen is spending more time in hospital.
My mam takes him most days which is great as he has developed so quickly having Oscar and Ellie teaching him the ropes.

He is now seven months old and a big bully! He is almost fully house trained but likes to do his own thing during walks including barking at everything he sees so we are waiting for things to settle so we can bring him to dog training classes..

He has a lovely personality. He loves kisses and cuddles. He still has his first toy we ever bought him which is a squirrel. I honestly don't know why he loves it so much. All his other toys have been chewed to bits!!

Anyway enough talking... Lets look at some pictures :)
Can you spot Oscar with his extensions lol

Louise xxx

My cervical cancer scare

Well this post is looonnngggg overdue my friends!
Believe me it is something I obsessed about for weeks but to be honest my mind has been in another place since November.

If you have followed me since last year you will know that this last year has definitely been testing. 
I had my own cancer scare in November. I have been so vocal up to now about my partners cancer battle but I didn't want to have to admit to myself that I could be affected.... 

Both maternal and paternal grandmothers survived cervical cancer and most of the girls in my family suffer some way with female issues. 
When I turned 25 last year I went for my first smear test. 
The results came back that there was some abnormalities found but when I went in to meet doctor I was told they found high grade abnormalities in cervix (Grade 3).
The Lettz procedure was performed in Rotunda under general anaesthetic as the area was so large.
I will be monitored for the next two years for changes with regular smear after that it will go back to every three years. 

My sisters friend (30) went through the same process and unfortunately the doctors found the cells had turned malignant so I feel blessed that I went when I did.. That could have been me or you... 

If you are over 25 and haven't gone for your free smear test then please make sure to as soon as possible. Follow the link if you would like to learn more about the HPV Virus and Cervical cancer. -  Cervical Check Ireland Irish Cancer Society